Total Number of People:
Total number of people in the simulation.
Initially Infected:
Number of infected people at beginning of the simulation. Those people don't show
symptoms yet, but can spread the disease already.
Initially Sick:
Number of sick people at beginning of the simultion. Sick people show symptoms and
'realize' that they're infected. They can still spread the disease, but are less mobile. Their mobility can be
changed below.
Initially Immune:
Fraction of immune people at the beginning. Immune people cannot be infected.
Super Mobile:
Number of 'Super Spreaders'. Are three times as mobile as susceptible people and
ignore sickness and lock down measures.
Time Infectious Without Symptoms: Time until symptoms start to show. Person can spread
the disease to others already.
Time Infectious With Symptoms.
Infection Probability:
Probability of disease transmission from infected to susceptible person. Between 0 (no
infection upon contact) to 1 (all contacts lead to infection).
Controls how much people move around.
Mobility of Sick People:
Controls how much sick people move around. Can be used to alter the behavior of people
that realized they got the disease.
Lockdown On:
Controls at which number of active cases 'lockdown' measures are implemented. I.e.
all people change their behaviour, when a certain number of sick people is around, except super mobile.
Lockdown Off:
Controls to which fraction the number of active cases needs to drop relative to the
lockdown threshold above.
Key outcomes
Total Cases:
Maximum Fraction of Active Cases:
Time of Maximum Fraction of Active Cases:
Total Time on Lockdown:
Less initially infected:
Half the infection probability:
One third is immune:
Two thirds are immune:
Sick people remain mobile:
Infection detected earlier:
Super Mobile exist:
Lock Down low threshold:
Lock Down high threshold: